Our personal privacy is very important to us. That is why we attach great importance to your privacy. Due to the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (the AVG) on May 25, 2018, we would like to inform you about the way in which we process your data and how we treat and protect your data confidentially.

Perhaps the most important thing in this privacy statement
We do not sell your personal data to third parties and only make it available to partners for the processing of your purchase (e.g. for your payment) and your warranty rights.

Scannum (part of Triple A) is responsible for data processing. We explain below why we collect data, what data we request from you and what we do with this data. We also indicate how long we store data, what your rights are and that you always remain in control of your personal data.

Your visit to our website
For the proper functioning of the webshop it is necessary to place a limited number of cookies. These functional cookies serve exclusively to optimize your visit to our webshop. Functional cookies, for example, remember what a visitor has placed in the shopping cart and retain it for a possible next visit to the webshop. According to the AVG, no cookie notification on the webshop is required for functional cookies.

Your visit is also measured using analytical cookies. We are assisted in this by Google Analytics. They process your anonymous visit data to our webshop together with the visit data of other visitors into usable (statistical) reports. These reports enable us to improve the webshop and that is of course also in your interest. Because your IP number is made anonymous when you pass on your visit data, no cookie notification is required on the web shop for the placement of analytical cookies.
Your visit data will be stored for a maximum of 26 months.

We do not use tracking cookies, also known as marketing cookies. This may not be a good business decision, but it will prevent potential annoyances for our visitors and customers. We are in favor of simple advertisements and even more so of word of mouth. You can help us enormously with the latter!
Because we do not use tracking cookies, we do not have to display a cookie notification on the webshop. That makes it a lot easier for you and also for us!

Online shopping with or without a customer account
In our webshop you can order both with a customer account and without a customer account. Because we do not use your personal data for marketing purposes and newsletters, there is in fact no difference between ordering with a customer account and ordering without a customer account. The same data is required and the customer account has the advantage that it gives you the opportunity to view your orders again later or to enter a new order more quickly. You decide whether you want to use it.

Your order in our webshop
When you place an order with us, we need personal data for the entire processing process:

  1. The order

When placing an order, we only ask for the information we really need. In addition to the name, address and postal code/town of the person who enters the order, we also need this information if there is a different billing address or a different delivery address. We would also like a telephone number and an e-mail address of the person entering the order. This enables us to contact you about your order if necessary.

The e-mail address is used to confirm your order and to inform you about the delivery. If you have created a new customer account for your order, you will also receive a confirmation of this by e-mail.

  1. The payment

We use the Mollie service for all payment methods within the webshop. They ensure a secure payment transaction based on your personal and order details that are passed on by our webshop to Mollie and that are supplemented by you during the payment process, for example with your bank account number.

  1. The delivery

The delivery of the orders is provided for us by PostNL. They too cannot properly perform their work without your personal data. The personal and order data that we pass on to PostNL are in good hands.

We can be very brief about that. We do not send newsletters!

If you want to make a warranty claim and have informed us about this by e-mail, we will forward your e-mail to the applicable wholesaler or manufacturer, including the order details of the item for which the warranty request is to be made. Communication always goes through us, you will not receive an email from the wholesaler or manufacturer.

Who else has (limited) access to your data
As a webshop you need a server to be able to display the webshop on the internet. We rent server space from a host. In fact, with this host, the data is stored on the server. We have therefore signed a processing agreement with this host, in which it has been agreed how they will handle all data collected by us.
Such a processing agreement has also been signed with our accountant, because they too have, albeit limited, access to personal and payment data.

We take security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. In particular, we take the following measures:

  • Access to your customer account with your personal data is protected by a user name and a password chosen by you
  • We use secure connections (Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) that protect all information between you and our website when you enter personal data

How long do we keep your data?
The data resulting from the cookies placed by us is stored for 26 months.

We store the personal data provided with an order with a customer account for much longer, because practice has shown that we regularly have to look back at old orders. An example: it is much faster and more customer-friendly to use the order to determine which lamp someone has bought and which replacement lamp is needed, than that we have to deduce this by asking questions and perhaps even by requesting photos.
We also have to take into account a tax retention obligation of seven years for payment data.
We therefore apply the following rules for personal data (including payment data):

– a customer account without an order will be deleted after 12 months
– a customer account with one or more orders is deleted after the last dated order is 10 years old
– an order without a customer account will be deleted after 10 years

Status privacy statement
This privacy statement is bound by rules, but is a dynamic document. This means that due to advancing insight and/or due to changed regulations, parts of the content can or even have to change. You will always find the latest version on the website and this latest version is leading in any disputes.

View and change your data
You have and you keep full control over your data. For your reassurance, we only have the data you entered in your customer account, linked to the orders you entered. In your customer account you can find your order history and you can view and/or change your personal data.
We cannot delete completed orders at your request. The aforementioned retention period applies to this. If you want us to delete your customer account, you can request this by e-mail.

If you have any questions or if you want to view your personal data, please contact us:
by e-mail: info@scannum.nl

To prevent misuse, we may request additional information to establish your identity.

Authority for Personal Data
If you have any questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data, we are happy to help you. You can also submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority for this: www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl